The art of cooking is not restricted to the act. More often than not, it happens post and prior the experience, inside what we call the beautiful mind. There are days when I wake up with an inspiration for an ingredient, there are moments where I play out the process in my head during the lighter hours to later replicate in the evening in my kitchen, and there are the fantasies that help me sink into pleasurable dreams, where the perfect textured ingredients are blended and combined to create a masterpiece.
More often than not, when I have decided to cook something for dinner, a part of the day is filled with envisioning this dream. I realise now, how much pride I take in this quirk; pride enough to write about what it feels like, to cook, without actually cooking. A literal journey through cooking up ideas in the head - Pasta made with love, in creative imagination and ink (which is also why the photos you see look too good to be true)!