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Hi There!

The existence of people like you, who  appreciate the art of creating food, and who glow in the bliss it brings to pen down (or read about) those thoughts, is by itself, a sign that this world still has some love to give. 

This is not a recipe blog, neither is it a daily journal of thoughts. 

In today's apparently rushed world. we have lost the art of reading; and have forgotten what it felt like to just take in every word and appreciate the emotions it creates. We are so attuned to scrolling through articles to get to the main call-out points, or to exporting that recipe list, that we always skip the introduction and preface!


This blog is perhaps then, a rebel movement against just that, and my little positive step, where we re-learn to read all of it, and just enjoy the process. It is nothing but simple writing, that hopes to create soulful reading, with no expectations or end results. 

Let's keep the spark alive and the flame burning!

Green Typewriter

Why and how?

Click here to read more about the writing journey and why we keep at this, especially in a world of instant gratification!

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Why and how
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